Yes it is true, Rachel Zoe has stepped into the beauty arena!
Rachel Zoe and founders of Exude Diane Breidenbach and Laurence Mille were at The Plaza hotel in NYC to promote new lipsticks that were created by Rachel. They have a unique applicator. A clear, crystal applicator bullet shakes things up by releasing a single-dot serving of elastic gel color with just a twist of the tube. This cleverly ensures that your lipstick won’t wear down into some strange, shapeless mound, and that the surface will stay crisp. You can see the cream (or gloss) through the plastic and when you twist the bottom it oozes up onto the textured surface. “I have many lipstick peeves,” Zoe said. “One is it’s messy, another is when it smooshes down at the bottom of your purse. And when it’s dry and your lips are cracked? That freaks me out.” Exude eliminates the possiblity of all of the above. “You can really control the application,” Zoe said, “which is great because I’m a control freak.”

According to Refinery29, Cosmetic industry veterans Diane Breidenbach and Laurence Mille created the technology behind the shimmery, nine-shade line. Yet it was Zoe who styled the crisp, white tube packaging, which she says is a design strategy she uses for interior decorating, too. “Most of my house is modern and white inside, with splashes of accent colors that catch your eye. You can’t go wrong with that formula,” Zoe told us at the collection's launch. What's her trick for choosing a lipstick shade? “Contrast your lip color with whatever you’re wearing. Do a pale lip with a deep dress, or go bold when you’re wearing light colors,” she instructs. “And don’t do a red lip with a red dress, it clashes. Plus, you don’t ever want to be predictable.” Zoe has spoken.

Rachel's personal Obsession du Jour's include organics and loves LOTS of moisturizer. She was also quoted saying that one day she might have her own beauty line...YES!!!
Read the below interview with BellaSugar.Com

- On the importance of moisturizing: "I just think moisture is key in your skin, in your lips, in your eyes. You're never too young to start wearing moisturizer and eye creams. I'm a huge moisture advocate. Everywhere. Just lather yourself with oils before you go to bed. You have to — or you'll regret it later!"
- On what comes first, the clothes or the makeup: "I'd almost always wear a major lip with anything. I pretty much do outfit first, but I would say even when I'm in my dressed-down clothes and I'm running and doing errands — I always have a lip on. Always, always, always. I never go anywhere without lips. I just don't. I never have. I have pictures of me when I was 13 with a major lip on. I don't know why, but that's just my thing and I almost feel naked without it."
- On beauty trends she doesn't love: "I don't love too much glitter. I think that is a little trendy. I think a little bit of dust that catches the light is kind of fascinating, but when you overdo it, it's not so cute . . . I think beauty is a thing, it's so easy to have fun with, with just colors. Just go outside the box with yourself."
- On doing her own makeup line: "We'll see! I'll never say never to anything ever again because I said never to half the things that I'm doing now. So now I'm just not going to make myself look like an idiot and say — maybe! You know it would be a logical thing for me to do. Because I honestly love it and it's part of the whole process of getting dressed, and nothing fascinates me more than the complete look . . . the answer is, I'm sure that I will. I'm going to feel like I really have to, because I want to."
- On getting involved with Exude: "[Diane and Laurence] approached me with this product and the technology behind it, and I was very intrigued because I've been obsessed with lipstick since I was 10. I mean, I can't remember not wearing lipstick ever. Any time there's something new in something that I have so much of, I'm like OK — I want to hear about it, I want to know about it. So we all sat at this meeting and they presented the actual technology of it and why it was so amazing. I was skeptical, and then I was like, 'Oh my God, it's kind of amazing' . . . I road-tested the product for a while. My whole team — I have 16 or 17 women in my office now, and every single one of them tried the lipstick. We all just loved the product. It was an incredible thing to be a part of. And then I got really involved in the packaging and stuff like that. It was great. I had a lot of fun doing it. I wear it, literally, like crazy."
- On the Exude color she loves best: "I'm partial to the cranberry and the plum, and I'm really into the scarlet red. But I think right now, in the dead of Summer, I'm going to start playing with coral, and the nudes, and the browns. I honestly love them all. But I will say the cranberry is the one that never leaves my bag. Because you can apply it heavy or you can apply it very lightly."
- On what's unique about Exude: "The way it rolls up, rolls down, there's no wasted product. It's not messy. You can't get germs or bacteria in it. It can't leak everywhere. I love the texture because I'm a freak about dry lips so I wanted something very moist but not too lacquer-y."
- On products she loves: "Egyptian Magic is really a life-saver for me. In pregnancy, before pregnancy, during pregnancy, after pregnancy. I use a lot of California Baby products because they're all organic. I've been using organic for the last year, obviously."
Original Source of Interview: http://www.bellasugar.comAvailable exclusively here:
Will you buy? You know I just bought the Nude color!