Monday, April 9, 2012

Cheap jewels Du Jour 4.9.12

After a new business meeting with my boss Gwen, we stopped in a cheap jewelry store on 5th avenue and 31st street. She spotted while walking, I figured okay Ill just walk in with her, but I DO NOT need anything. I was tired and VERY hungry and late to my Pilates class to boot. However, I am sure glad I did. Thanks Gwennies!

I scored 4 very cool and funky rings and a necklace for under $40. Love me a cheap-o thrill! SCORE!

All of the below are the perfect cocktail, statement ring for your pointer finger. To be worn alone, with no other rings, of course. And please, not all 4 at once.

I love this one, only $9, a metal matte black mesh-ish tassel. This will look fabulous with leather leggings and a great t-shirt top. Oh yeah, I am seeing it now. $9! I mean, you can NOT get a better deal than that.

If you are in NYC- check this place out...On the west side of the street. You will be happy you went, promise.



PS: You can follow Gwen and the Wunderlich PR team @wunderlichinc on twitter. Gwen also started a blog on the truth behind a NYC PR firm . Pretty hilarious actually, and so true!


  1. All gorgeous. That spiked one could serve double duty as a weapon!

  2. Love the jewelry picks! Next time I'm in the city I'll check this place out!

  3. I have a party to attend next week and I am problematic what clothes and accessories to wear on. My friends at mighty site are already have the wardrobes of their own. I already tried all the stuff you have posted here and it's about time to create my own fashion style.
