Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wedding Venue booked... Wedding Journey Update

Quick update for you all, I have received tons of messages, tweets and emails that you wanted to come along with me on my wedding journey, so I will be posting some snippets and sharing some fun details.

My first to-do, and quite honestly the one that was stressing me out the most is checked off and completed. The venue.  

I had head very different wedding scenarios in my head that I loved equally.  A beach wedding with a flower crown in the bridesmaids hair, and old rustic barn but flamed out and an old Mansion. 

I crossed off the beach idea because I hate hot weather and sweating (Hello, frizzy hair!), so I didn't want to chance it. Additionally, I LOVE fall, true fall. the crisp air, the colors of the leaves, the smell, everything. I was born in November, so maybe I am biased. However, that left me with the two above.

I didn't get very far in my search because the second venue I found I absolutely fell in love with.  I got that gut feeling that I just knew it was the place.  As soon as I walked in. I just knew. Then my Fiancee said, "This is where we are getting married" and I knew.  And mind you, it was pouring rain and I still fell in love. 

It is an old mansion on the north shore of Long Island overlooking the Long Island sound and lighthouse.  It is a very private area and surrounded my woods.  It is perfect. 

The arched always and rooms were the cocktail hour will take place. 

The entrance:

Some outside details:

The theme I am going to go for I think is that feeling of all white magical wedding. However, I really am not there yet.  I am just so thrilled that this is locked in and now I can kind of sit back relax and enjoy! 

Andddd.... The date is set, November 1st 2014. 

Would love to hear what all of your weddings were like! Any recommendations? 



  1. Ah so exciting when plans start coming together. The venue looks lovely! Congratulations again :)

  2. Love the house! It's so Gatsby!!

  3. wow! beautiful. i had a stylist for our wedding. we did i kind of kitschy garden theme, which isn't appropriate for your amazing venue but the same stylist did another wedding, which was very autumnal and grand like your venue with dried foliage and melted down candles etc. here are some photos

  4. I appreciate the good work you are doing! I’ve really enjoyed reading it. You’ve arouse me a great interest. I’ll investigate it more. Keep up doing it!

  5. Nice capture, I liked your post, That's truly big help for me, Thanks for it....

  6. This is by far one of the best places to hang with friends, have great drinks (amazing beer selection), eat some great food, including the great lunch I had there.

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