Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bling du Jour: Crystalized Cell Phone Case by Crystal Icing 8.25.12

If you know me, you know I love sparkle. I love it on just about anything (minus in makeup). I am a sucker for anything crystallized or blinged out. I have been on an eternal hunt for the perfect crystallized iphone case. It is really hard to find a true swarovski crystal case and not have it be cheesy! That's always the catch with the crystals...its a fine line between fun and Vegas stripper!

Anyway, I met Gina through one of my many lines of work (so true), she is a client of the PR firm that I work with, Wunderlich Inc. When I saw her line, Crystal Icing,, I DIED! She is the babe behind the bling! She has done everyone's bling from Bethenny to Pauly D's head phones and laptop case (they are buddies!) to Paris Hilton to Mariah Carey to Justin Beiber.

I told her that I wanted to order a case so I sent her my logo (she can customize ANYTHING- a guitar, a laptop, an iPad, a sharpie... ANYTHING!) and she surprised with me with a completed iPhone case and a business card holder. For me, a business card holder is SO important, this I can three of my own!

Anyway, I got my package and was running around my apartment like a 5 year old. EVERYONE now asks where I got my case. I spoke to Gina and asked her if I could give my readers a discount and she said yes, which is super nice of her.

So, you can go on her site, and look around and get 10% off anything you order with the code BELLE. Just to be CLEAR, I do not make a cent off of anything anyone orders, I just wanted to share this fun company with you all!

Check out her website here: Pictures below.

It is hard to actually catch on camera how amazingly sparkly these babies are.

Are you a sucker for bling like me?
Which is your favorite on her site?



  1. Thanks Dara, I saw your instagram but I hate those comments that ask "where'd you get that?" Thanks for the heads up. Blingtastic indeed!

  2. Looks amazing: bling and chic. Indeed not an easy combination

  3. Love the bling :) having it personalised definitely makes it looks so classy as well :) please check if my blog if you have a chance

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  5. I like the iphone case but it looks so expensive..

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