Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obsession Du Jour: Equinox LE shirt, proceeds go to Hurricane Sandy relief 11.6.12

I wanted to share a T-Shirt that was designed by Equinox to raise awareness and help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Equinox is selling limited edition T's for $35 and 100% of the proceeds will be going to the American Red Cross. I like that 100% is going to be donated, I have seen a lot of companies only donating a portion of sales. Equinox is donating ALL.

Let's do what we can and show our support in anyway we can. Either by purchasing products that are donating 100% of proceeds or donating to the Red Cross. If you cant help financially, please consider donating your time.

I hope everyone is safe and warm tonight, whether you are in NYC or not.


  1. Hope every one take generously part in sandy relief. Buy more and save more!

    Jillian Armenante

  2. Great post for a great pause. Thanks for sharing! Hugs from London :-)

    Jo x amomentwithjo

  3. This really made my day. Actually I was looking for a t-shirt design by Equinox and I found this pretty nice shirt. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post. I love it. God bless you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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