Monday, August 30, 2010

Fashion Obsession Du Jour 8.30.10

I have always been a huge fan of YSL shoes. They are one of my favorites in the biz by far. They are always extremely sexy and extremely high. This seasons must have by YSL is no different, at $720 a pop you can be walking down the mean streets in these babies called the Palais. This is this years Tribute (Which I own and love to death). There is a color for everyone this year.

For me the main factor of if I will indulge in my seasonal YSL shoe purchase if I can walk comfortably in them. I made myself promise I will not buy shoes that i can not walk in anymore. I have tons of shoes i bought because I love them and never wear because walking in them is akin to breaking my ankle or walking over hot coals. They are THAT painful (ahem Christian Louboutin Rolandos)

I am partial to the grey... I love grey!

(All photo's from YSL.COM)

I love the curvy heel and the architectural quality of these shoes.
What will your shoe indulgence be this season?


  1. WOW these are gorgeous! i love the royal blue ones!

    Fab post as always!


  2. Love the grey ones too.Very sexy..YSL shoes are always my favs;)

  3. ahh they're beautiful! do you think you could do a video of your shoe collection? :)

  4. These are beautiful - I'm not sure if I could walk in them though! x

  5. wow! these are gorgeous! I also rly like the grey. but at $720 i dont think ill be indulging in any of these any time soon! l0l

  6. Amazing, but I can't decide which color I like best... p.s. no more fashion posts (ootd) ?? =(

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