Monday, May 4, 2009

Brown E/S Du Jour 5.4.09

I consistently get asked the same question daily, what color are you wearing on your eyes? On a normal day it never deviates, its a light highlight, brown in the crease and outer V and a touch of carbon to sexify it.

These are all very similar with a hint of difference, any will do.

Tempting, Bronze, Woodwinked and Mulch... All MAC.
Tempting: A rich Cocoa colar
Bronze: Very similar to Tempting with a deeper brown and a bit more frost.
Woodwinked: Very Goldy brown, one of my all time favorite browns. Highly pigmented and frosty.
Mulch: Dark pigmented brown, with a hint of a redder undertone.


  1. Great colours, woodwinked is ♥

  2. I have all these colours and love them as everday staples too!

  3. Stefanie- WW is my fave out of all of them too!

  4. I_heart- is there any particular swatches you would like to see?

  5. Thanks for the swatches! Woodwinked is definitly my favorite out of all of them though. ♥

  6. Colette- WW is amazing!! you need to try omega though!

  7. This is great. I have all these too except I want it :-)
