Monday, May 11, 2009

FOTD Du Jour 5.11.09

MUFE #9 Eye Look
Excuse the sleepy eyes, it was 8 am.

Make Up Forever Eyeshadow #9 on lid, with MAC Omega in Crease

NARS Jolie Poupee lighter color over

Ta Da
I applied lightly-ish because this was for work. I work in fashion so I can get away with colors and fun makeup but I want to wait until it is warmer to break out the intense purple eyes.

What do you guys think?


  1. love the purple! i envy that you have such long eyelashes!

    the fake lashes that i used? the brand is called SHISEM :D

  2. Gorgeous! It really suits you :-)

  3. Love the look, those colors goes great with your skin tone.

  4. Chomsiri- I have a post coming tomorrow that you are going to love! its the secret to my lashes!!! Thanks though!

  5. Candace- Thanks! Do you think? I thought it was a touch red, that is why I added the NARS!

  6. wow! omg!!u have beautiful lashes! pretty purple too :)

  7. Freckle- thanks!!! I have been using Lilash, I am going to post about this tomorrow!!!

  8. I think it's really pretty and you wear it well...However, I 'll wait for the weather to get warmer for a full on Gucci makeup...;)))

  9. tina- I agree I need to wait to really bring it on!!!!

  10. hi new blog buddy! love the lashes!!

  11. Wow looks AH-MAZING!!! You DO look like Kate Hudson!!!!!!!

  12. Love the purple colour - it looks so lovely on you Belle xx

  13. Great colours, you look lovely in purples

  14. omg it's beautiful. you look lovely in purple :)

  15. Sarah- I wish I looked exactly like Kate Hudson! ;) I love her

  16. So pretty!! The purple looks good on you!

  17. Love the look! And you are one hot lady! Now I know why you called your blog belle du jour.

  18. Looks great...lucky for you to be working in fashion....I really want to do something with cosmetics since I love it so much but I am not sure where to start...

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