Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Du Jour 1.4.11

Happy new year everyone!

I have been so busy with the holidays that I haven't even had time to post. I hope everyone enjoyed time with their families and loved ones. This is always the time of year that I take a moment and breath and truly take time to just relax and spend every minute I can soaking up my precious free time with my family. I appreciate my family every single day, but this is the time that we can sit back and look around and realize how blessed we are to have each other. I consider myself one of the luckiest people because of my sisters. For some of you that have watched my now de-funct you tube channel, you have probably met them. I am lucky to have them as my best friends let alone as my sisters. Anyway, i hope everyone takes a moment out to let their family know how much they appreciate them, sometimes during the boring ol' year we might forget.

Anyway, I hope everyone's new year is going to be a very happy, successful and most importantly HEALTHY one.

What is everyone's new years resolutions?

I will share mine:
1. Be Happy. By that I mean, savor the small joys of life everyday.
2. Be healthy (exercise, diet and habits)
3. Learn new things as much as I can ( I am now going to be taking jewelry design and photography classes to go towards a Masters in Fine Arts)
4. Not to spend money on stupid things that I don't need, think about the BIG picture.
5. Enjoy life to its fullest, EVERY DAY!

Now tell me yours!

Back to normal beauty and fashion programming later today!



  1. Number 4 is the one I need to focus on, I'm really bad for buying makeup etc when it's on 3 for 2, even when I don't need it. It's the fact it's cheaper than usual.. I just can't miss a bargain! xoxo


  2. Happy new year! looking forward to reading your next year's posts :)

  3. Be happy and content


  4. Lovely post, I haven't made resolutions as such but I like 'be happy'. I've just done a post about The Happiness Project which I read after seeing your post about it so thanks for introducing me to it!

  5. Mine is not a resolution per say but a hope. I hope that both my mom and I will stop smoking this year. It's going to be tough, but I know I can do it. Her on the other hand....I guess that's why it's a hope :)

  6. Happy New Year!

    Here are my resolutions:
    1) Get my gpa back to a 4.0
    2) Learn to relax and to take it easy
    3) Get my butt back in shape
    4) Spend more time with my family when at home and call more often

  7. happy new years to you too!

    p.s. i miss you on youtube =(

  8. 1.) Tell the people in my life how much they mean to me, because one day it'll be too late.

    2.) BE healthy. Not just eat healthy and do exercise. Try to avoid stress/negativity so it doesn't bring me down, because life is too short for sh*t like that.

    3.) Downsize and de-clutter. I probably don't need half of the crap that I own, so I need to learn to appreciate what I have, instead of covetting more stuff.

    4.) Watch my spending. It kinda goes hand in hand with #3.

    Happy New Year!

  9. i have a question! what mac store do you go to? and have you been to the mac pro store on 7th West 22nd Street (the one that's one the 2nd floor)?
    i hope you can help me.
    xoxo Katie

  10. Hi, could you please email me (funkygirl159ATmsn.com) regarding a purchase i made at your blog sale a couple of months ago. I paid through paypal for a palette and MAC shadestick and have yet to recieve them. I'm dissapointed because you assured me they were on their way a few weeks ago. I just wondered if you had any proof of postage so i can chase this up? Thanks.

  11. I think im going to sign up for another exercise class to give me a boost. Other than that, just focus more, eat healthily, find coconut water in the UK, and dress better :) Normal ones really. Im sure you can achive. Believe to achieve. xx
