Monday, June 8, 2009

Work Du Jour 6.8.09

Since I have gotten quite a few questions about my job and NYC in general I thought I would show a quick shot out of my office window! It is sort of a hot dreary Monday here. I am day dreaming about my upcoming travels.

Soho, New York City

Smoky look FOTD coming up later tonight!
Where are you all at this very moment?


  1. This is So much different to what I'm used to looking at. For you it's everyday, for me a few buildings in New York look amazing!

    I really need to save and get myself to NYC!

  2. Marie- What are you used to looking at?

  3. Th Cows and Tree's in the Scottish Countryside...Sounds nice, but the novelty wears off after 26 years! Plus i cant pop out to the shops on my lunch hour, all I have is a vending machine...

    Maybe a blessing in disguise! lol

  4. Marie- that sounds SO nice, wow. See for me that sounds like heaven!

  5. I'll have to post a picture following "your Work Du jour" to let you see!

    It is so peaceful, but sometimes I crave the hustle and bustle of a city!

  6. Marie- Please do post a picture. I would love to see it!

  7. What beautiful buildings you get to look out at!
    I'd love to work in the city.

  8. Beautiful Beautiful!
    what do you do at work?

  9. Karen, I am head of buying and merchandising for a fashion company

  10. Ohh see I'm the same as Marie, to me this is excitinggggg! Very Sex and the City!!! I think I am forever relating you to SATC ;P sorry Belle! But trust me that is a compliment!!!!!!My work day lets me be inside and outside, on and off which is nice! But still, nothing glam as NYC!!!!

  11. Gotta love Soho. Im excited for your travels too ;)

  12. Hi sweetie~
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. =) I would luv to live in NY for awhile bc all the awesome fashion related stuff is all in the East coast. If you know any job position openings in the fashion industry or hiring, please let me know because I would so luv to live there and this will give me a reason to move there. =)

  13. Wow...that looks like a set straight out of a movie...beautiful!

  14. Sarah- SaTC is quintessential NYC I guess! What do you do that allows you to be outside? so Jealous!

  15. Sassy- I know many! Send me your resume through me email!

  16. Aleksis- I love soho but it gets old. trust me

  17. hi!
    thanks for the comment:) really appreciate it!

    Gorgeous place, I neer get sick of soho <3
    ahhhh now i wanna go visit ny again its been months ;( are there any places around ny where they do internships for highschoolers?

    erica xx

  18. soho never gets old for me - but maybe that's b/c i work by the seaport on wall st... well actually - it overall doesn't get old to me... i learn that everytime i go elsewhere :)

  19. OMG I want to work there so bad! I live here in the midwest (OHIO), so theres no much going on outside my window.
